How to Potty Train a French Bulldog Puppy

One of the most important questions that new french bulldog puppy owners ask is; How do you potty train a french bulldog puppy?

Below are helpful hints, pictures, and videos to help you.

Potty training a french bulldog puppy is not any different from potty training other dogs or puppies. It requires persistence and patience. And above all, it’s important to remember to never punish a french bulldog puppy for accidents.

The best way to potty train a french bulldog puppy is to be as consistent as possible. If you select a specific spot for a puppy to go potty, try to keep that same spot reserved for him/her for as long as possible. Frequent moving of their potty place will only confuse the puppy and will lead to them going in undesired locations.

The way we potty train our french bulldog puppies:

How to Potty Train a French Bulldog Puppy
How to Potty Train a French Bulldog Puppy

1) We set up an enclosure for the puppies and line the bottom with vinyl for easy cleanup.
2) We set a potty box in one corner where it will remain for the entire time of their training.
3) We use a divider to close off a part of the enclosure so that initially the puppies will only have a place to sleep and to potty. We don’t leave too much play room because they may decide to use that extra room as their potty place. We let them out to run around only on empty stomach, never right after they eat or drink. Otherwise, they will go potty on your floor.
4) When we notice that the puppies are going to the designated potty box, we gradually expand their section and play area by moving the divider until we eventually remove the divider all together.

Here are the two products we us and recommend to anyone potty training a puppy.


How To Teach a French Bulldog Puppy to go in a Specific Location
How To Teach a French Bulldog Puppy to go in a Specific Location

If you have a potty place set up for your puppy but he/she will not go, try to spray this product right in the center of the potty place. The sent will let the puppy know that this is the potty place and this is where they need to go. This product if fairly inexpensive and well worth it. You can pick it up at Walmart or check your local pet supply stores.


How to Prevent a French Bulldog Puppy from Going Potty in Undesired Location
How to Prevent a French Bulldog Puppy from Going Potty in Undesired Location

If your French Bulldog Puppy goes in a undesired location like outside of the potty place or on a living room floor, the best way to prevent the puppy from going there again is to clean it up thoroughly. We tried Bleach and Vinegar and they don’t work as well. This Advanced Severe Stain & Oder Remover does the job pretty well. You can also get it at Walmart or check your local pet stores.

We also found these videos very informative and hope you do to.

Dr Ray Ramirez at Lake View Veterinary Clinic created this step by step “Puppy Potty Training – Guaranteed to Work” video that will take you through the process of potty training your french bulldog puppy.

Zak George’s video “How to Potty Train your Puppy EASILY! Everything you need to know!” is also very helpful.

Zak George talks about “The 5 Most Common Potty Training Mistakes”

And last but not least is a “Potty Training Puppy Apartment”

The Potty Training Puppy Apartment It is quite a bit pricier than a regular crate but may be worth taking a look at. Their website is